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  • Learn Forex Trading from Scratch in 5 Days – Free Webinar Series

    Date 1708367400 Add to calendar
    Time 19:30 — 20:30 Africa/Douala
    Contact 09071235653
    Language English

    Register for webinar

    About the webinar

    Are you eager to explore the world of Forex trading but unsure where to start? We understand you! We are delighted to offer you a FREE webinar series tailored specifically for beginner traders, where you will acquire essential skills and strategies to master Forex trading.

    What you’ll learn:
    Master the basics of trading terminology and techniques. Gain insights into the psychology behind successful trading. Learn how to effectively utilize technical analysis tools. Take part in the live discussions, interact with the experts, and learn more about the core principles of Forex trading.

    Webinar Speakers

    Segun Adepoju Ojedokun

    CEO of Agmc Forex Academy, Segun Adepoju offers 8 years of Forex expertise, mentoring over a thousand students in close partnership with Forex4you.